Ever wanted to glide across serene waters, taking in breathtaking views while getting a fantastic workout? Paddle boarding might just be the adventure you’re looking for. This water sport has surged in popularity over the past decade, captivating adventure seekers, especially in Utah. Originating from ancient Hawaiian surf culture, modern paddle boarding offers a unique […]
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Essential Tips for Paddle Boarding Newbies: A Beginner’s Guide

4 Physical Health Benefits of Stand-up Paddle Boarding
Stand-up paddle boarding is an enjoyable way to experience the water and improve your physical health. Some have found stand-up paddle boarding to be fairly simple to learn and a great way to enjoy the warm summer months. If you’re looking for a fun way to get in some exercise this year, check out these […]
Three Reasons to Try Paddle Boarding
If you’re visiting Jordanelle State Park or Reservoir, it’s likely that you’re ready for some water play. Our crew doesn’t blame you. You can find so many fun things to do out on the water, and Jordanelle Rentals & Marina is here to help. We’re the only water-sport rental company right on the Jordanelle Reservoir, […]
Top 3 Perks of an SUP
We see you, eyeing the other vacationers on their stand-up paddle boards. You’ve been watching them all day, just wondering if you have what it takes or if it’s harder than it looks. Well, friend, let our experienced crew here at Jordanelle Rentals & Marina give you the truth: Almost anyone can paddleboard. With a few […]
3 Ways To End Summer Right in Utah
For many of us, summer is coming to a close. School is back in session, or the schedule at work is beginning to pick up the pace. Before you know it, we’ll all be looking the holidays square in the face. But don’t give up on summer fun just yet! Plan to spend some time […]
What is Paddle Boarding?
Did one of your friends recently return from vacation, raving about her time paddle boarding at Jordanelle State Park? You may not have wanted to ask the question rattling around inside your brain—“What, exactly, is paddle boarding?” Don’t worry. We at Jordanelle Rentals & Marina have got you covered. We’ll answer your question, so next […]